* Samlet Liste over kennel Streamside’s championater fra 1989-2018 finner du ( for complete list of hunting, tracking and other working champions for Streamside dogs updated until 2018, please check:
Jaktchampions (Field Trial Champions) (2003-17)
1.SJCh Streamside’s Blue Quill «Terra»( SJCH Klovstamons S-Pelé x Brigadoon Scarlet’s Beliza Bee) f. 28.2.91. Tispe (bitch) 1993 Eier: Wenche Farstad ( dual purpose springer)
2.SJ(J)CH Streamside’s Kilwell,«Scooter» (GBFTCH Breckswood Brock x Cullybracken Blooming) f. 2007 Hann (male) 2009 Eier: Ulf Westlund, Sverige ( working springer)
3. NJCH Streamside’s Kill Devil, «Kill» (GBFTCH Breckswood Brock x Cullybracken Blooming) f. 2007 Hann (male) 2013 Eier: Wenche Farstad ( working springer)
4. S(J)JCH SM vinner 2011 Streamside’s Puch, «Puch» (SJ(j)CH Towerbird Archer of Edgegrovex Cullybracken Blooming) hann (male) f.2009 Eier: Ulf Westlund, Sverige(working springer)
5. Fin JCH Streamside’s Reippu, «Mini» (GBFTCH Misselchalke Lad of Halaze x Cullybracken Blooming)Tispe (female) f. 2010 .2014 Eier: Petri Karlsson, Finland (working springer)
6. SJ(j) Ch Streamside’s X-Etera » Bittan» ( S(J)JCH SM vinner 2011 Streamside’s Puch x Woodash Nikita) Tispe (female) f.04.04.2013. Eier: Ulf Westlund, Sverige (working springer)
7. NJCH Streamside’s X-Sheriff «Sheriff» ( S(J)JCH SM vinner 2011 Streamside’s Puch x Woodash Nikita) Hannhund(male) f.04.04.2013. Eier: Ellen Saugerud Karlsen (working springer)
8. NJCh Streamside’s X-Belle, «Belle» (( S(J)JCH SM vinner 2011 Streamside’s Puch x Woodash Nikita) Tispe (female) f.04.04.2013. Eier: Torunn Thomassen (working springer)
Viltsporchampions ( Tracking Champions) 1989-2016 (Mostly dual purpose springer spaniels) Four Are Tracking Ch both in Norway and Sweden
1.NVCH Streamside’s Alexanda, «Thamja» (SUCH Cenetnnials Great Geoffrey x Brigadoon Scarlet’s Beliza Bee). Tispe (bitch) f. 10.08.1989. Tispe (bitch) Eier: Morten Hellmann
2. NO SE VCH Streamside’s Explorer, «Scott» (SE VCH SE U(U)CH Cleavehill Backward Glance x SE VCH NO VCH Urja’s D-Taffie f. 28.10.2005 Hann (male) Eier: Veslemøy Drangevåg
3.NVCH S. Emerging Buzzer «Pontus»(SE VCH SE U(U)CH Cleavehill Backward Glance x SE VCH NO VCH Urja’s D-Taffie f 28.1.2005 hann (male). Eier: Hedda Næs
4. NO SE VCH Streamside’s Fairy Black (SE VCH Formes Canis Hamlin x Streamside’s Wee Bee ) f.20.02.2006 Tispe (female) Eier: Jane Horn
5.NO SE VCH Streamside’s Holiday Hunter, «Bobby» (Centennials Chaplin x SJCh Streamside’s Blue Quill) f.25.12.1995. Hann (dog) Eier: Stein Andersen
6.NVCH Streamside’s Nobleman (NUCh NVCh Desperados Jivaro x Streamside’s Justine Time)f. 5.10.1998. Hann (dog) Eier: Lene Gjelsvik
7. NVCH Streamside’s Silver Doctor «Monty»(NSVCh Streamside’s Holiday Hunter x Streamside’s Light Cahill) f.6.4.2000. Hann (dog). Eier: Signe Helen Johannessen
8. NVCH Streamside’s Yale Graduate «Victor»(NUCH NVCH Brigadoon Ebony and Ivory x Streamside’s Queen O’ Hearts) f 2003 Hann (dog) Eier: Grete Rødal
9.SEVCH Bluebell Memory «Minja»(FI UCH Streamside’s Kingfisher x Streamside’s Tawny Damsel Fly) f .29.03.2004 Tispe (female) . Eier: Benita Larsson, kennel Picabo, Sverige
10. SE VCH Streamside’s Tattoo (Streamside’s Intermezzo x Kahill’s White Orchid to Streamside) f.09.03.2011 hann (male) 2014. Eier: Henry Lorentzon, Sverige
11. NVCH Streamside’s Jiigy Junior, «Junior» ( S U(U)CH S VCH Calvdale Partners In Crime x Streamside’s Yellow Stone Fly) f.20.05. 2007 hann (male) 2015. Eier: Siri Sakshaug
12. NO SEVCH Streamside’s Arracacia, «Engla» ( No Fi UCh Winton Waiting For The Sun x Klovstamons Beautiful Girl) f04.05.2014. tispe ( female) 2016. Eier: Marian Janet Nossen, kennel Merjano, Norge
13. SEVCH Streamside’s Fenian » Sumo» ( Fågeljägarens Crane x Winton I Vildensky) f.25.04.2016. hann ( male) 2017. Eier: Eva Lotta Blom, Sverige ( working springer)
Utstillingschampions (Show champions) bred and owned
1. FinUCH Streamside’s Kingfisher ( GBshch N DK UCH Chaigmarsh Orchid x Salix Opera Mint at Streamside) f. 15.9.1997. Hann (dog) Eier: Irene Jauhonen, Finland
2. NUCH Streamside’s Professor (NUCH Alhambra Kenneth Brannagh x Streamside’s Fire n ‘Ice) f. 24.3.1999 Hann (dog) Eier : Vivian Langdalen
3. GBSHCH NDK UCH Chaigmarsh Orchid «Rodney»( Gb.Sh.Ch.haigmarsh Sudden Impact x Wardhill Winter’s Tale) 1988-1999. Hann (dog) Sameie med Kennel Kahill, Ellen Getz Wold. Far til 12 champions , årets mestvinnende utstilling 1995, årest mestvinnende hannhund 1994 og 1998.
4. NUCH NSVCH LP1Chaigmarsh Labour Day«Isaac»( Gb.Sh.Ch.Mompesson Just the Ticket – Chaigmarsh Lady in Red) f.1997-2003 Sameie med Kennel Kahill, Ellen Getz Wold. Far til 3 utstillingschampions